Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Tolbooth Arts Centre Kirkcudbright - "A Slice of Life" Show Now On

At last all my paintings are finished, framed and for sale!
I set up last Wednesday. B helped me lug everything in and up to the second floor where the main gallery is situated (we used the lift). Then I was left in peace to hang the 42 paintings!
Before I even started any painting, I measured the walls of the gallery, noted other places I could place work on table easels, in window ledges etc. I then worked out how many paintings would fill the space. 

All that planning made such a difference when it came to the hanging. I had made a simple wall plan beforehand. It took me all day to get everything lined up etc but I really enjoyed the process.

I had a meet and greet with wine and nibbles on Saturday afternoon, which I have no photos of - it was so busy, no one managed to get their cameras out!

I welcome everyone to come along and view my new work, the exhibition is on till the 25th inclusive.


  1. Very exciting. You sound very organized and I am sure that it made a huge difference to the display and your nerves (where there any?) on opening night. I hope you have many red dots and good reviews. I would love to visit but Melbourne is a long way away.

  2. A few nerves Alissa, before the first person turned up! I have some red dots, could do with a few more!
    Melbourne, how lovely, lucky lady! Thank you for your kind words! Xx

  3. I would have loved to have been able to visit, Margaret. Hope it went great, but I do want to say your paintings are beautiful and I am totally in love with the still life of the pieces of glass. A marvel!
