Sunday, 24 June 2012

No rest this Sunday

It has been a busy day - this moring I took photos of all my small paintings for my website - I do that out of doors in a shady spot. Owing to the fact we haven't had a great deal of sun here lately, I knew I could get this tedious job safely completed with an hour! The weather has been horrendous, rain, more rain and then more rain!!! Nearly forgot about the wind, it was like Autumn!
I took my bar stool out of the studio and put the painting on the seat, resting against the chairback, as straight as I could get it. My camera was on it's tripod and I had it set to click on timer delay! Great, all set - five, four, three, two, one - click goes the camera - BLOW goes my painting right on it's front - I had many photos of the back of the chair, which I duly deleted! So it took a little longer than anticipated!
This afternoon I headed down to the local church hall with my homebaking to help with the coffee/tea afternoon raising funds for our local Arts and Crafts Trail. We worked in conjunction with Scottish Open Gardens, once everyone had viewed the gardens, they then headed to us for refreshments! It was pretty hectic but great fun.
Since coming home I have spent my time updating my website with the photos I took this morning- I have been trying to do this for months! It's done  - fab-u-lous!


  1. Lovley painting Margaret, and a great shot. It's so difficult isn't it to get good ones. Im fed up I missed the fundraising event! Website is looking great too. See you soon. Ruthie

  2. ps: hope you don't mind I gave you a mention on my facebook pages ;-)
