Monday, 7 January 2013

Day 6 - Fancy a Cuppa?

I bought B and I a nice red stripy mug each, thinking it would be more festive to drink our first coffee of Christmas morning in bright cheery mugs! Truthfully they are just too big for me, I prefer small cups or mugs!
The teapot is a carboot find, Wedgewood and holds just enough for two! I love it's shape and colour. I think I might work on this one a bit more later, the objects are not "sitting" well enough....


  1. These are goin great, love the egg as well!

  2. I love your work! I think the eggs and the car are my favorites. This 30 in 30 is hard work!

  3. Your work is beautiful!I love this one with the striped mug. The 30 day painting challenge is more than I bargained for. I'm glad I didn't go at it alone!

  4. I love it, Margaret. Great teapot, too. And also, that egg you did is great!

  5. What a lovely blog and your paintings are really nice. I love the car and the boots and the others are really nice too. I too am saying to myself--Help! Why did I decide to paint 30 paintings in 30 days!! Yikes! Well, we will surely be better painters after 30 paintings!

  6. I love the composition and the rendering of the porcelain ...really well done !

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wonderful shiny surfaces. They define the contours so well
